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1500V DC IP67 True RMS Bluetooth Multimeter MT1885

  • CAT IV 600V and CAT III 1000V
  • IP67 Dust & waterproof with O-ring sealed casing
  • DC voltage 1500V
  • AC voltage 1000V
  • AC and DC Current 10A
  • Resistance 60Mꭥ
  • Capacitance 4000μF
  • Temperature -20 to 1000˚C
  • Frequency 10MHZ
  • Duty Cycle 99.9%
  • 6000 Count LCD display with 61 segment analogue bargraph
  • Relative mode
  • Automatic Non-contact voltage detector above 110V AC, LCD turns red
  • Min, Max and Data Hold
  • Auto Power Off


The MT1885 1500V DC IP67 True RMS Bluetooth Multimeter, rated CAT IV 600V, is specifically designed for the Solar industry with its capacity to measure up to 1500V DC. It features a large 6000 count backlit LCD with a 61 segment analogue bargraph. The NCV function automatically detects non-contact voltage, displaying AC voltage above 110V in red on the LCD backlight.

This Bluetooth-enabled multimeter covers various measurement ranges including ACV up to 1000V, Micro Amps and Amps, Frequency, Resistance, Duty Cycle, capacitance, and temperature. Its Bluetooth capability allows data transmission to Android or iOS mobile Apps for viewing, organizing, and sharing recordings. Encased in a double-moulded rubber case, it boasts an IP67 waterproof and dustproof rating, suitable for heavy-duty usage.


Function Range Resolution Accuracy
DC voltage 600.0mV – 1500V 0.1mV ± (0.5% + 5 Digits)
AC voltage 6.000V – 1000V 1mV ± (0.8% + 4 Digits)
DC Current 600.0μA – 10A 0.1μA ± (1% + 3 Digits)
AC Current 600.0μA – 10A 0.1μA ± (1.5% + 3 Digits)
Duty Cycle 0.1 to 99.9% 0,1% ± (1.2% + 2 Digits)
Resistance 600.0Ω – 60.00MΩ 0.1Ω ± (1.5% + 2 Digits)
Frequency 9.999Hz – 10MHz 0.001Hz ± (1.2% + 4 Digits)
Capacitance 99.9nF – 4000μF 0.01nF ± (4% + 5 Digits)
Temperature -20 to 1000°C 0.1°C ± (3% + 5 Digits)
True RMS Measurements Yes
AC Bandwidth 50Hz to 1KHz
Digital Display 6000
Bargraph Yes
Bluetooth Yes
Continuity Yes
Diode test Yes
Non-Contact Voltage (NCV) Yes
Overrange indication Yes
Input impedance >10MΩ VDC & >10MΩ VAC
Min Max Yes
Data Hold Yes
Enclosure Double moulded waterproof IP67
Low battery indication Yes
Power source 6LR61
Dimensions 187 x 81 x 50mm
Safety Specs IEC61010-1 CatIV 600V



CAT IV 600V     CAT III 1000V


Type-K Temperature Probe
Type-K Adaptor
Test Leads
9V Battery
Instruction Manual

Categories: Electrical Products | Multimeters | Solar Installation Meters